Thursday, February 5, 2009


submitted by Susan MacKinnon

After driving on the roads here in Kenya, it is going to be difficult to complain about the state of roads on PEI. Our combi driver, Clement, refers to them as "free messages".

Although similar in color to PEI soil, it ends there. Kenyan soils are very fine textured and turn to gumbo when wet, and in a very short time can become impassable. Shaad Olingo has been doing a great job of watching the clouds for impending rain and quickly ushering us to the tarmack (paved road). Last Sunday we got caught in a downpour and had an exciting ride on the narrow, rutted, winding road.

Rain or shine there are always people walking along the side of the road – kids going to school, business people going to jobs, and door to door salesmen carrying their goods on their backs. Donkey’s or oxen pull carts filled to overflowing with everything from lumber and milk cans to Napier grass for feed.

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