Today we delivered 168 mosquito nets to the Matuto Primary School here near Ichamara in Kenya.
We had already delivered some nets to this school- which were delivered when we had funds donated by Islanders for mosquito nets.
Park Royal United Church Sunday School has funded all of the nets for this school.
We opened one net and did a little demonstration of how the net is to be hung in their homes over their beds. We explained that the nets kept away mosquitoes while they slept and allowed them to get a better sleep. We also explained that the mosquitoes could bring malaria- so they could avoid getting malaria by sleeping under the net.
Our travel agent had purchased 200 nets for us- and he had bargained with the company to include a geometry set with each net.
The balance of the nets (32) were funded by donors who bought them as Christmas gift and we delivered them to the Standard 8 class at the Muthewathi Primary School. This Standard 8 class all knew that mosquitoes could cause malaria. When we have more funds we will go back there and provide nets to the other students.
Both schools thanked us for the funds recently provided to them by their twinned schools from PEI, the Royalty Rotary Club of Charlottetown and donors at Christmas who provided funds for school books. The twinned schools are Prince Street School and Southern Kings School. The Matuto School said they were installing toilets for the girls and buying some books. The Muthewathi School said they were purchasing text books and repairing school toilets.
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