Carolyn Dohoo left Ichamara this morning to return to Canada after being here for two weeks to gather preliminary data on a research project which aims to quantify the effects of the bio gas digesters on the health of the 31 farm women who have them on their farms.
Carolyn is an M. Sc. student at Dalhousie University in Community Health and Epidemiology. This research will form the basis of her M. Sc. thesis. Dr. John Van Leeuwen from AVC is one of her supervisors. She will be back in Kenya in June/July again to interview the 31 women along with a control group of women who do not have bio gas digesters.
Most women here cook their food over a three stone stove in a small building which has no chimney. This exposure to smoke every day has a cumulative negative effect on their respiratory system and their eyes. Dr. Kim Critchley, Dean of UPEI School of Nursing, spent a couple of days here also to measure the respiratory health of the women as well as the health of their eyes.
The bio gas digesters use manure from the dairy cows to produce methane which can be used for cooking.
Carolyn found that a few of the systems were not working properly so we contacted the technician who installed them so he could fix the problems and arrange another training day to explain the proper operation of the system. We expect that when Carolyn returns in June, they will all be operating properly.
These bio gas digesters were funded by the Stratford Rotary Club with matching funding by the Canadian International Development Agency.
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