Bio gas digesters use cow manure that is placed in a black tube and turn it into methane gas which can be used by farm women to cook food. This reduces the use of fire wood and the work of collecting it.
The 32 people who are demonstrating bio gas digesters in the Wakulima area have formed a self-help group. They have called themselves the “Wakulima Dairy- Farmers Helping Farmers Biogas Beneficiaries Self-help Group”.
I met with 20 of them this morning and they aim to help each other improve.
Among other things they have formed a micro finance scheme to allow members to get “soft loans”. The Wakulima SACCO is helping them with this.
They are also considering getting training in how to make kikoys- these are woven cloths which women wrap around their shoulders.
When I asked the group how their bio gas is working, most of them said it is working well and providing an average of three hours per day of methane gas for cooking. One said hers was providing methane for 6 hours per day. Four of them said theirs was not working: three had been punctured and one had a faulty discharge. They all said they would like further training .
So the Wakulima coordinator will arrange for further training and will get the bio gas installer to visit the four who have problems. He will also check up on the other 12 who did not attend the meeting.
This should work towards ensuring the sustainability of the bio gas digesters.
Teresa Mellish
Feb 16, 2011
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