Wakulima Dairy Sacco. A Sacco operates like a credit union. The Wakulima Dairy Sacco has just located in the new “Office Tower” which is a multi storey building built on top of the existing dairy offices and laboratory. The office also contains the dairy Board room, managers office and all dairy accounting. This building is located adjacent to the milk cooling plant which has a large generator to supply stand by power.
The Sacco was established in 2004 with core funding from FHF. The original Sacco was established in small rented quarters in the town with all entries made in legers. The milk payments from the dairy were all made into the Sacco accounts and then could be withdrawn by the members. The current range of services is impressive. Withdraws can be made at ATMs or the payment can be sent to a members mobile phone as a money transfer. The member can go to an Empasa outlet and use his mobile to get cash which is deducted from the account. This saves the member from traveling to town and standing in line to wait for payment. Inside the Sacco it looks like any modern bank with rows of flat screens and busy clerks.
The original core funding continues to be used as a revolving fund for loans to farmers. Originally it was used only for cow purchase but it has expanded to include cow sheds, equipment for feed preservation and the purchase of biogas units. The fund has grown and in the last two years 136 members had loans.
Another Wakulima dairy success story
Ken Mellish
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